It is Federal Law in the United States that students with disabilities have an equal opportunity for a free and appropriate education (Snowman and McCown, 2015). However, this does not mean the same thing for everyone. Disabilities vary and not all of them will qualify an individual for Special Education. This is where the 504 plans come into play (Understood Team, n.d.). Students with one of 13 specified disabilities or conditions which affect their ability to be taught successfully in general education are mandated to receive Special education by IDEA, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act which first appeared in 1975 as the Education for all Handicapped Children Act. The 13 conditions range from Autism, Hearing or Visual Impairment to Specific Learning disabilities, Traumatic Brain Injury and Emotional Disturbance, amongst others. If you suffer from one of these condition to the point it has an adverse impact on your learning, and you need specialized in...