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Showing posts from October, 2017


Think about the inventions and products which have made over lives easier over the years. Look at how our lives have changed and lengthened. How we are closer together with people from all over the world, how we have made the earth smaller, more accessible and more collaborative. Think back! What are the most wide reaching changes Humans have overseen? Fire? Agriculture? Metal working? The Printing Press? Antibiotics? Electricity? All of these discoveries, inventions, whatever you want to call them came from people wondering why and going and trying to figure something out. I believe that everyone is born to do that! Watch your child and tell me they are not doing that ALL THE TIME! Tell me they are not driven by wonder! I wonder what....? What if....? We need our education to get back to that. We may need advancement and invention and thought and design more now that ever1 And who's gonna do it? We need to have our kids think big, aim high, and design, experiment, build, fail, ...